Library Diva's Guide to Volunteering…

I sent a call out today to staff and our volunteer pool. One of our non-profit organizations in town needs volunteers for events they are involved in next week and they need them fast! For events like these I always send out a notice to our volunteer pool and staff. If they get even 1 or 2 responses, it’s 1 or 2 more than they had before.

Putting events on, a list serve or your website is common practice, but sometimes we just don’t get the draw that we had hoped which is where direct contact through sharing is very successful.

I make it a practice to always let our volunteers know that I’ll send them an email when opportunities come available with us and with others. When sending an email u can use undisclosed addresses or blind carbon their addresses to ensure their privacy.

Remember that it’s ok to share volunteers and resources. Volunteers select the organization they like based off of their interests, but they don’t always have that single-minded interest. Lots of volunteers like to give to multiple agencies, have friends that they can refer, or resources of their own.

You are not sabotaging your organization by promoting other agencies. One day, your organization may be the one that needs help and sending out the S.O.S. can only strengthen the bonds of non-profit sharing and resources.

{November 30, 2009}   Why do I do what I do?

et cetera